Medication or surgery is not always the answer to long-term back pain. Sometimes natural measures can provide surprising relief. If you experience back pain, it is often your body's way of telling you that something is not right, and it may therefore be a good idea to do something about it.

With a focus on the body's own ability to heal and strengthen itself, targeted exercises, treatment and lifestyle changes can be the key to a pain-free everyday life.


Natural pain relief


Listening to your body's signals and needs is essential to reduce pain naturally. Mindfulness and breathing exercises can calm your nervous system and help relieve pain.

By combining gentle stretching exercises with strength training targeting the supporting muscles of the back, you can work proactively to prevent and reduce pain. A balanced approach is the key to achieving a healthier and stronger back.

Think of your diet as your ally in the fight against back pain. Anti-inflammatory foods strengthen the body's natural healing processes and can relieve pain.


The role of diet

Diet can have a significant impact on inflammatory conditions, including chronic back pain.

Foods rich in antioxidants can reduce inflammation and help relieve back pain.

A balanced diet with plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and vitamin D can strengthen bones and joints, as well as reduce inflammation that causes pain.

Research-based recommendations point to the importance of a plant-based diet to combat inflammation and back pain, and can provide immediate and long-term relief.



Stress management techniques

Effective stress management is essential for preventing and treating back pain. Prolonged stress can cause muscle tension, which in turn can contribute to back pain. Learn techniques to reduce stress, such as deep breathing, meditation or gentle yoga, and watch how back pain can subside.

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can give you peace of mind. With exercises that focus on the present moment, muscle tension can be released and this can have a pain-relieving effect.

Having a daily routine that includes time for relaxation and rest can be critical in managing stress-related back pain. This is because stress can not only exacerbate existing pain, but can also be a catalyst for new pain. That's why regular activities that reduce stress levels, such as taking time for hobbies, nature walks or listening to soothing music, are important.

To get the maximum benefit from stress management techniques, consider integrating these methods into your daily life. Start with short 5-10 minute sessions of, for example, progressive muscle relaxation or guided visualization, and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable. Remember that regular practice strengthens your stress management skills and can prevent back pain over time.

Daily exercises for strength

Stability ball exercises help to strengthen the core muscles, which is essential for a healthy back. Strong core muscles provide support to the spine and can reduce pain and prevent injuries.

Regularly performing plank and side plank exercises can build muscular endurance and strength in the back and core muscles. These isometric exercises are effective because they work several muscle groups simultaneously and increase back stability.

Back raises are also important for strengthening the postural muscles. When performing back raises, the muscles along the spine are activated and strengthened, which contributes to better posture and less back pain.

Core muscle exercises

Strengthening the core muscles is a fundamentally important part of the treatment for reducing back pain. Successful core strengthening requires regularity and focus on proper technique. Continuous practice can lead to significant improvements in how your back works and feels.

  • The plank exercise is a key part of this work. It promotes a strong and stable core when performed correctly.
  • It is essential to include varied exercises. Alternating between front and side planks, for example, can improve balance and stability in the core muscles.
  • The side plank specifically strengthens the obliques and helps with lateral movements. Good techniques here include tightening the abdominal muscles and creating a straight line from the head to the feet.
  • Exercises such as 'dead bug' and 'bird dog' are also recommended for coordination and stability. These bodyweight exercises require you to consciously engage your core muscles and complement the plank exercises by adding dynamic movements.
  • Regular performance of these exercises strengthens the center of the body, which is essential for maintaining good posture and minimizing strain on the spine during daily activities.


Stretching for flexibility

Regular stretching can help increase flexibility, which is important to support the spine's natural functions and reduce tension that can cause pain.

  1. Lower back exercise: Lie on your back with your knees bent, keep your knees together and slowly bring them towards your chest for a deep stretch in your lower back.
  2. Piriformis stretching: Sit with a straight back, cross one leg over the other and gently pull the raised knee towards the opposite shoulder to stretch the hip muscles.
  3. The cat and camel exercise: On all fours, alternate between arching and lowering your back to promote flexibility in your spine.
  4. Hip flexor stretching: Kneel with one leg in front and a straight back, push your hips forward to stretch your hip flexor muscles.
  5. Position of the child: Sit on your heels with your knees bent, stretch your arms forward and place your forehead on the floor for a relaxing stretch of the back and shoulders.Repeated stretching promotes better circulation and can prevent stiffness.

By integrating these stretching exercises into your daily routine, you can actively work towards a pain-free everyday life. Remember, consistency is the key to long-term improvement in flexibility and pain relief.

Ergonomics in everyday life

Ergonomics is about the fit between people and their working environment to promote wellbeing and health. When we design our environment with ergonomics in mind, it helps to reduce repetitive strain injuries and muscle tension that often leads to back pain.

For people with back pain, ergonomically correct furniture and aids are essential. An ergonomic chair or workstation that supports natural posture can prevent back pain. Equally important is adjusting the height of desks and computer screens to minimize the strain on the neck, shoulders and back.

In everyday life, breaks for micro-movements should be prioritized to avoid prolonged static loading. Changing posture regularly can be invaluable for maintaining muscle balance and contributing to pain relief.

Correct seating position

Having a correct sitting posture is essential for preventing and reducing back pain. The recommended seating position includes several key components that support the natural curvatures of the spine.

  • The backrest should support the entire back curve, especially the lower back.
  • Hip and knee joints should be at about a 90 degree angle.
  • Footrest may be necessary if your feet do not rest flat on the floor.
  • Forearms should be supported and parallel to the floor when using a keyboard or mouse.
  • The upper edge of the screen should be at eye level to avoid neck strain.
  • Regularly changing the sitting position is important to stimulate circulation and avoid muscle tension.

Adapting your workplace to an ergonomically correct seating position may seem challenging, but small adjustments make big improvements.

A dynamic sitting posture with frequent posture changes and frequent breaks to stretch the body can reduce static muscle strain and promote blood circulation.

Good sleeping positions

Choosing an appropriate sleeping position can significantly help to relieve back pain throughout the night and provide a more restorative sleep. A good sleeping position preserves the natural curvature of the spine and prevents extra strain.

Two positions in particular are recommended: sleeping on your side with your knees slightly bent, or on your back with a pillow under your knees. These positions help to maintain the natural curvature of the spine and can reduce pain.

It is recommended to avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this position often leads to extra twisting and pressure in the spine. Over time, this twisting can aggravate back pain or create new pain points.

To support your lower back when sleeping on your side, an extra pillow between your knees can be very beneficial. This prevents the hips from sinking down and relieves the lower back, leading to a more stable sleeping position.

When resting on your back, it is important to choose a pillow that supports your neck without pushing it forward. A good pillow should allow your head to lie in line with your spine, as when you are standing in an upright position.

Remember that the transition to new sleeping positions may take some time. Be patient and experiment with different pillows and supports to find the most comfortable and supportive sleeping position for your back.

Alternative treatment

In the search for pain relief, alternative therapies can be a valuable supplement to traditional medicine. Treatments such as functional neurology, chiropractic and massage can play a role in reducing back pain. These methods aim to enhance the body's natural healing processes and promote relaxation and wellbeing.

Research suggests that techniques such as yoga and Pilates can strengthen the body's core muscles and improve posture, which in turn can ease the strain on the spine. It is important to note that these therapies should be tailored to the individual's needs and performed under the guidance of qualified professionals to ensure proper execution and to avoid injury.

Chiropractic and back pain

Chiropractic is an alternative treatment method that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, including back pain. Chiropractors work to adjust and manipulate the spine to restore normal function and relieve pain.

There is research to suggest that chiropractic care can be effective in reducing back pain. Using adjustment techniques, chiropractors can help relieve inflammation, reduce tension and improve mobility in the spine.

It is important to note that chiropractic care should be performed by qualified chiropractors and adapted to the individual patient's needs. Chiropractic care can be particularly useful for people with back pain, as it can be adapted and individualized to meet their specific needs.

Remember, chiropractic care is just one of several options for back pain, and it's important to find the approach that works best for you. Explore and discuss different options with your healthcare provider to find the most effective treatment for your pain and unique needs.

back pain


Functional neurology and back pain

Functional neurology is an approach that aims to treat back pain by addressing nerve function in the body. Our nervous system plays an important role in regulating the experience of pain and can affect how we experience and manage back pain.

Through functional neurology, specialized practitioners can evaluate and treat different aspects of the nervous system that may be involved in back pain. This can include examining the function of the nervous system and identifying any dysfunctions or imbalances that may be contributing to back pain.


Treatment may include techniques such as neuromuscular adaptation, vestibular rehabilitation and exercises specifically aimed at restoring normal function and activity in the nervous system. The goal is to reduce pain, improve mobility and strength in the back, and contribute to better function and quality of life.

It is important to note that functional neurology should be performed by specialized professionals who have knowledge and experience in the field. An individualized approach is necessary to adapt the treatment to the individual's needs.

Remember that there are many different approaches to treating back pain, and it can be helpful to explore and discuss different options with your practitioner. Together, you can find the most effective treatment for you and your specific needs.


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