Functional neurology

We help patients with complex neurological conditions and other health conditions through innovative diagnostics and tailored brain-based approaches and training.

We use advanced diagnostics to assess the function of the nervous system. By looking at how the brain communicates with different systems in the body, we can begin to uncover complex health conditions and understand how we can best help you.

We work with specific exercises and sensory input, rather than drugs or surgery, to stimulate and improve parts of the nervous system's function.

See what a first-time survey entails

New patient?

As a new patient, you will receive a comprehensive evaluation, which lasts a couple of hours. We perform a thorough medical history, followed by a detailed series of neuro-diagnostic tests. This includes video-oculography, balance error scoring system (bess balance test). In addition, we perform a thorough physical and neurological examination, assessing levels of functional integration in the brain. We then present and review all your findings and results from the examinations. Here we assess what works and what doesn't, and draw up a plan to optimize the functionality of your nervous system. 

Tailored follow-up

We offer tailored therapeutic protocols and exercises designed to accelerate and maximize your progress. You receive continuous individual follow-up from our therapists. All our therapists are trained to assess the effects of your treatment, determine your fatigue point and modify your protocols as needed. We repeat your diagnostic tests several times during your neuro-rehabilitation program.  

We do this so that we can adjust your exercises and treatment, as you improve, to provide the best and fastest change in your quality of life.

Neurological rehabilitation and plasticity

One of the most important factors in neurological rehabilitation is the frequency of stimulation. In many ways, neurological rehabilitation can be compared to endurance training. You don't build endurance with heavy weights and few repetitions, you do it with light weights and many repetitions. The goal of neurological rehabilitation is to create plasticity. Plasticity is the brain's ability to change itself, by creating new neural pathways or connections, and increasing the efficiency of individual or multiple systems. In other words, neurological endurance training. 

The treatment includes different variations of specific eye-hand coordination, balance exercises, eye exercises, vestibular rehabilitation, low-level electrostimulation and low-level laser therapy, spinal manipulation and some cognitive training. The variations are related to the findings made during the initial examination. 

As a patient, you can choose between two courses of treatment.
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Option one

One option is treatment three times a week, for four weeks, followed by a second evaluation and six weeks of home exercises. This form of treatment is best suited for patients living in the local area.

Option two

The second option is treatment in one intensive week. Here we compress six weeks of treatment into one week. We treat you five times a day for five consecutive days, followed by a new evaluation and six weeks of home exercises. This option is absolutely recommended for the fastest improvement.