DNA Health test

We are often told how to live in order for our bodies to function at their best. But does this advice match your own genes?

The DNA Health test is designed to optimize your health and wellbeing by customizing the way you live and eat. If necessary, it can also recommend supplements that are customized to support specific gene variants and to make sure you get all the necessary nutrients.

Please note that this test does NOT test for kinship, parents, relatives or ethnicity.

In collaboration with renowned Nordic Laboratories, the test is designed to help you feel better and be healthier by providing personalized advice on how you live and eat. It can also suggest the use of special supplements to cover specific nutritional deficiencies based on your own genes.

Because the food we eat affects how our genes work, it's important to look at more than just avoiding deficiencies. We also need to find out what minerals and vitamins our bodies need to keep our genes strong.

It is particularly important to look at those who have different genes that affect how the body absorbs nutrients and uses them.

What's important to know?

  • The test helps determine if specific parts of your metabolism need extra help.
  • Provides the basis for nutritional counseling and management of long-term diseases.
  • Simple and easy-to-use report with graphics to help you understand the results.
  • Builds on solid scientific research and uses thoroughly researched genes that have concrete actions.
  • It provides advice on how much of various nutrients, vitamins and minerals you should consume.
  • It tells you whether you can lower your cholesterol most effectively through your diet or whether you need medication.
  • It gives you an idea of how exposed you are to harmful substances in the food you eat.

What do you get to know?

  • Lipid metabolism - refers to the processes that occur in the body regarding the production, utilization and breakdown of lipids, which include fats and oils. This is an important part of metabolism, where the body handles fats to maintain energy balance and perform various cellular functions.


  • Methylation - When you ingest nutrients, vitamins or minerals, you consume a lot of raw material that needs to be converted into a form the body can use. How does this raw material get converted into something the body can actually use? This biochemical process is called methylation.


  • Detoxification - It refers to the process of removing or neutralizing toxins or harmful substances from the body. This can occur naturally through the body's own detoxification systems, such as the liver and kidneys, or it can be part of specific therapeutic interventions aimed at supporting detoxification.


  • Inflammation - Inflammation refers to the body's response to injury, infection or irritation, and it is part of the body's natural defense system.


  • Oxidative stress - Oxidative stress can occur as a result of various factors, including environmental influences, poor diet, smoking, exposure to radiation and inflammatory reactions. It is linked to a number of health problems, including ageing, cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases and other disorders.


  • Bone health - The term refers to the condition and quality of the bones in the body. Good bone health is important for maintaining bone structure, strength and function. Elements such as calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus and other nutrients play an important role in maintaining healthy bones.


  • Insulin sensitivity - Insulin sensitivity refers to how effectively the body's cells respond to insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and it plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels. When the body's cells are sensitive to insulin, they allow glucose (sugar) to be taken up from the blood more efficiently.

If I want a DNA test, what do I do?


1. You approach the clinic and tell them that you want a DNA test.

2. Pay for the test at the clinic

3. A DNA test will be sent to you in the mail.

4. Conduct the test easily at home, via blood spot.

5. Send DNA test to lab with completed return label

6. Your healthcare provider will contact you when the samples have arrived

7. Your healthcare professional will interpret the test results for a review with you.


Other tests we offer are:
  • DNA Sport
  • DNA Mind
  • DNA Estrogen

Privacy policy

When it comes to DNA testing, privacy is a key concern. It is important to understand how privacy is protected in the context of such testing.

DNA and the original sample material is destroyed after 3 months, so there are no names or other identifiers on the samples. The samples are only analyzed for the SNPs included in the tests at DNALife, and no other research or analysis is performed without specific permission from the patient. We do not give or sell the results to third parties.

In addition, there are strict security measures in place to protect your DNA data. This includes encryption of data, restricted access levels to the databases where the information is stored, and regular audits to ensure the security systems are working properly.