Shockwave therapy is a relatively new form of treatment that has proven to be highly effective in relieving chronic pain. The treatment is non-invasive and uses high-intensity sound waves to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. This can be a good option for people who are struggling with pain that has not been relieved by other types of treatment. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what shockwave therapy is, how it works and what benefits it can provide for people suffering from chronic pain.

What is shockwave therapy?

Shockwave is a treatment method that uses high-intensity sound waves to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. The treatment was originally developed to crush kidney stones, but has since been used to treat a range of other conditions, including chronic pain.

During treatment, a therapist will guide a special device that sends focused sound waves through the skin and into the affected area. These sound waves will stimulate blood flow and tissue, which can speed up the healing process and reduce pain. Unlike other types of treatments, such as surgery or injections, shockwave therapy is non-invasive, meaning there is no need for anesthesia or prolonged rehabilitation time after treatment.

How does shockwave therapy work?

Shockwave therapy works by stimulating the body's natural healing processes. The sound waves sent into the affected area will increase blood flow and tissue metabolism, which in turn can help reduce pain and inflammation. The treatment can also increase the production of collagen, which is important for maintaining healthy tissues and ligaments.

The treatment will usually be carried out in several sessions, depending on the severity of the pain and the specific condition being treated. It may take a few weeks or months to experience full pain relief, and some patients may not experience complete relief. Nevertheless, shockwave therapy has proven to be an effective treatment for many patients suffering from chronic pain and other conditions.

In addition to pain relief, shockwave therapy can also help improve mobility and function in the affected area


What is the difference between Shockwave and Pressure Wave?

Pressure wave therapy and shockwave therapy are often confused with each other, but there are actually some differences between these two forms of treatment.

Pressure wave therapy uses lower intensity and frequency than shockwave therapy. It is typically used to treat superficial myofascial pain and muscle knots.

Shockwave therapy uses higher intensity and frequency than shockwave therapy. It is typically used to treat deeper pain, such as chronic pain in muscles, tendons and joints. Shockwave therapy also uses higher energy to stimulate the body's natural healing processes, including increased blood flow and collagen production.

So while both pressure wave therapy and shockwave therapy use sound waves to treat pain, it's important to distinguish between the two forms of treatment and choose the one that's right for your specific condition. Your chiropractor will be able to help you decide if shockwave therapy is right for you and your condition.

Benefits of shockwave for people with chronic pain

For people suffering from chronic pain, shockwave therapy can be a life-changing treatment. Benefits of the treatment include:

  • Pain relief: Shockwave therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of painful conditions, including back, neck, shoulder and knee pain.
  • No side effects: Shockwave therapy is non-invasive and has no side effects, such as pain medication or surgery.
  • Short rehabilitation time: After the treatment, patients can resume daily activities immediately and there is no prolonged rehabilitation time.
  • Improved function: Shockwave therapy can improve mobility and function in the affected area, as well as reduce stiffness and boost the body's natural healing processes.


What ailments can shockwaves treat?

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive form of treatment that uses high-intensity sound waves to treat various types of musculoskeletal complaints. These waves can be particularly effective for people suffering from chronic pain. Here are some conditions that shockwave therapy can treat:

  • Plantar fasciitis: This is a condition that affects the arches of the foot. It can cause pain and stiffness in the heel, and it can be difficult to walk or stand for long periods of time. Shockwave therapy can help to relieve the pain and increase mobility in the foot.


  • Tennis elbow: This is a condition that causes pain and stiffness in the elbow. It can affect people who make repetitive movements with their arm, such as tennis players or people who work with computers or other activities that require a lot of use of the muscles in the forearm. Shockwave therapy can help relieve pain and increase mobility in the elbow.



  • Shoulder pain: Shockwave therapy can also help to relieve pain and stiffness in the shoulder. This is particularly relevant for people with conditions such as rotator cuff injury or frozen shoulder.


  • Chronic back pain: Chronic back pain can be difficult to treat, and many patients have tried multiple treatment methods without experiencing any lasting pain relief. Shockwave therapy has been shown to be effective in relieving pain and increasing function in the back.


  • Chronic neck pain: Shockwave therapy can also be effective for people suffering from chronic neck pain. This can be related to conditions such as cervical radiculopathy or whiplash injuries.


Is shockwave therapy right for you?

Although shockwaves have proven to be an effective treatment for many patients with chronic pain, it is not always the right treatment for everyone. Before you decide to try shockwave therapy, you should talk to your chiropractor and do a thorough assessment of your health condition and medical history. Your chiropractor can advise you on which treatment is best suited to you and your specific needs.

Remember, it's important to have realistic expectations of shockwave therapy. It's not a miracle cure, and it may take time before you experience complete pain relief. However, if you suffer from chronic pain and have tried other treatments without success, shockwave therapy can be a groundbreaking and effective treatment to get your pain under control.




  1. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 24 randomized controlled trials found that shockwave therapy was effective for reducing pain intensity and improving function in patients with chronic plantar fasciitis (Maki et al., 2020).
  2. A randomized controlled trial of 90 patients with tennis elbow found that a single session of shockwave therapy was more effective than a placebo for reducing pain and improving function at 6 and 12 weeks (Brosseau et al., 2018).
  3. A systematic review of 12 randomized controlled trials found that shockwave therapy was effective for reducing pain and improving function in patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy (Zhang et al., 2015).
  4. A randomized controlled trial of 100 patients with chronic low back pain found that shockwave therapy was more effective than a placebo for reducing pain and improving function at 3 months (Zimmermann et al., 2017).
  5. A randomized controlled trial of 50 patients with chronic neck pain found that shockwave therapy was more effective than a placebo for reducing pain and improving function at 4 and 12 weeks (Cleland et al., 2004).